Technical support
Unlimited technical support through e-mail is free for licensed users. For technical support, please contact
Sales support
For sales and licensing related issues, please contact
Bug reports and new feature suggestions
We welcome all suggestions and bug reports. When reporting a bug, please be sure to mention the Windows version that you are running in addition to the name and version number of our product. To find the version number, select the "About" item in the Help Menu. If applicable, please also tell us how the bug may be reproduced. Please send suggestions and bug reports to
Product customization and consulting services
Our developers can create customized versions of our standard products to handle special file transfer requirements, or write complicated FTP scripts.
Our developers can also provide assistance in building high-performance, scalable internet enabled applications for the Microsoft Windows platform. We specialize in C, C++ based application development using Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++ builder, and other C/C++ compilers. Our expertise includes TCP/IP networking, socket programming (Winsock 2.0+), multithreaded application development, and implementation of various networking protocols on windows platforms (FTP, HTTP, SMTP, and POP3).
Please contact for more information.